Walk and Talk Therapy: Nature’s Healing Power

For as long as there have been human beings on this planet, there have been people who took a walk when they were feeling a strong negative emotion. There is just something so beneficial about walking. It seems to calm us down and clear our heads so we can think from a calm and logical state instead of an emotional one.

So it makes complete sense that some people would be drawn to walk-and-talk therapy, especially us nature lovers who are typically drawn to Colorado.

What is Walk and Talk Therapy Exactly?

Walk and talk therapy is a type of outdoor therapy and it is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of sitting in an office environment with your therapist, the two of you get out into the great outdoors - or even just an urban park in Denver - and have your session during a lovely walk in nature.

Why Try It?

There are a variety of reasons to give this form of talk therapy a try. To start, it can be hard for some people to process their emotions while sitting still. Our bodies seemed to be designed to move while processing emotions. The cross-body action of walking, especially combined with a soft gaze through unshaded eyes, is said to mimic the profoundly healing process of EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), which is known for treating trauma.

Second, many people find the traditional talk therapy format awkward. Sitting in a tiny space with your therapist staring at you as you try and open up and bare your heart and soul is not an easy thing to do. But walking side by side while looking at beautiful nature helps make someone feel calm and open. No doubt nature can be very healing, making it the perfect space for therapy.

What Can Walk and Talk Therapy Help With?

Walk-and-talk therapy can be very effective at treating numerous mental health issues such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self-Esteem Issues
  • Life Transitions
  • Stress
  • Anger
  • Bereavement

Is Walk and Talk Therapy Right for Me?

If you enjoy being out in nature and are interested in a holistic approach to mental health, then walk-and-talk therapy may be a great fit for you. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety or are having a hard time processing your emotions and are interested in giving this form of therapy a try, please get in touch with me. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.



